Thursday, September 13, 2012

Life: Dead Man

Have you ever tried to forgive someone for something that happened in the past? Have you ever tried to forget something that was done to you that caused you to be hurt and disappointed? It seem like the very moment you get over all those things of the past, you meet relatives or friends who suddenly bring up the event or the person from the past-knowing that it bothers you physically or mentally.


I am going to take this time to share with you a poem from my poetry book, Inspirational Poems for the Storms, entitled “Dead Man”. Your dead man may be a life event such as: an old relationship, a childish move you made in the past, being at the wrong at the wrong time with the wrong people, or a grudge you had towards someone because of gossip. Well, I want you to know you can get rid of that dead man and bury him forever.


Dead Man


He is riding my back day and night like a horseman on a horse. I have been through the fire, but I did not get scorched; he has a grip on my left and right brain hemisphere like a pregnant woman grips her husband’s hand when it’s time to conceive.  He keeps hounding and bothering me daily;


He reminds me of nothing but my past.  Like a mother embraces her child with love; just like I am nobody, the dead man pushes and shoves;


Holding my dream and goals in hostage like a victim who wants to be free; he makes it so difficult for me to prosper and succeed.  He stinks and the odor is getting louder day by day—anything is possible to those who believe and speak “I can,” “I can.” People were astounded when I got rid of that dead man.


Life: Be Hearers and Doers

Have you ever seen a person who have the potentials to achieve great things and you witness the full potentials within them? Well, I have and those same people I put forth effort to encourage them of the skills and gifts that I notice within. Yet, they continue to procrastinate and put things to the side. As they become older and witness the accomplishments and achievements of others, that same person begin experiencing a journey of wishing. You may hear words such as: "I wish I would've done this" or "I wish that I would've done that?" But, the person doesn't think back how you have constantly been encouraging them of the great potentials they have within all these years. It seems as if some people don't accept reality until they witness someone else make achievements who people degraded and looked down on. But, those same people are some of the world's most richest people and have produced values in life that cannot be duplicated. So, I would like to encourage someone who feel like they are no one and not entitled to success. The universe has so much to offer. Yes, we all need encouragement to build our self-morale as we attempt to achieve our purpose for life. Therefore, I would to like to share one of my poems for my poetry book, Inspirational Poems for the Storms, published on Amazon entitles, "Be Hearers and Doers". This poem is to encourage someone to don't wait until the next person make achievements and accomplishments. Take initiative, absorb the positive things being spoken to you, and start your achieving- not only hear the positive comments spoken into your life, but also make a move and do what it takes to see some results.

Be Hearers and Doers

You have heard the requests made unto you and like a manikin you have not made a move.

What is the meaning of words with no action? “When are you going to move?” I keep asking;

Words are entering one ear and exiting the other;

things that need to be heard, your ears you tend to cover.

Being a hearer and not a doer, guess what will be the result?

Nothing plus nothing, leaves nothing so don’t give up;

Be a hearer; absorb what you have heard, now walk it out.

You will face circumstances and may refuse to shout.

Focus on the problem for there is a problem solver in town,

Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”—24 /7 he is around;

Do you know Jesus promises for you and me?

You heard the words so you should be walking in victory.

We are more than conquerors refusing to be losers;we should be hearers as well as doers.


Life:I am not Perfect

Have you ever seen a group of people who criticize and attempt to judge others like they are perfect? Well, my intentions are to encourage someone that life is not over because of your shortcomings and failures. You must dust yourself and start over again. Remember, we were created from dirt. Dirt is wipeable and removable. When dirt gets on your clothing, what do you do? Most of us look for shout to remove the stain or grab a wet towel and soap with the intentions to remove the stain from our clothing. Well, it relates the same to life. Our faults and things done in the past is wipeable. So, be encouraged with a poem from my book,
Inspirational Poems for the Storms, entitled "I am not Perfect"
I am not perfect, but some people pretend to be. I hurt, experience lack, have debt, and weep. I have made mistakes in life on my own will; I am so thankful for grace and mercy—another day, I live;

I have sinned and came short of the glory, I have even been through the valley, fire, and tunnels; Oh! I have a life story;

Many of days I nearly lost my mind while wanting to smite my enemies physically. Instead, I treated them so kind. I have been in the wilderness like Moses for 40 days and 40 nights: I have experienced darkness for so long until I didn’t recognize the vision of light;

People perceive me as one whose life is wonderful and great; just to walk in my shoes one day, isn’t a position you would trade. People say that I am so sophisticated, like a specimen, I have been incubated;

Many are judging me, but there’s only one judge who sits on his throne. Nevertheless, I made mistakes and been down the wrong path for I am not perfect.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Love of Inspirational Poetry


I have learned not to entertain people who speak negative comments pertaining to one’s achievements and goals. I guess I will never understand why someone would be unhappy and jealous of someone else accomplishments and achievements. There is no need of being upset because we all have the same opportunity of the next person. Relating to dreams being fulfilled and goals being accomplished, it is up to the individual. I have made up my mind to ignore all remarks degrading someone else success.

Writing poetry is my way of releasing my feelings regarding certain situations. Before I argue and engage in any devilish attacks, I rather get out my pencil and paper to begin writing. Not all the time, you want to talk to someone. But, there is nothing else that feels better than releasing all the pressure within in your own special way and still have peace.

Overall, I love to write inspirational poetry. It’ s a way to free my mind. It is a way to cope with life’s situations. Most of all, I am glad to know that my poetry serve as an inspiration to others who are hurting and going through difficult times. What do you have the love for?

3 Reasons I Write Inspirational Poetry

Can our world use some inspiration? Yes, it can. With all the bad news circulating throughout the world, people need to be informed there is still hope for any situation or adversity. As a newly self-publishing author who begun writing poetry at age 9, I would write simple poetry as a hobby. As years passed, my poetry became more on a personal level. As I experienced difficult times in life, I would grab a notebook and pencil to relieve the frustration and pain within. As tragedies and difficult times begun knocking at my door, I concluded that my poetry would do the following for others:
  • Inspire people during their difficult times
  • Encourage people that life doesn’t end because of their shortcomings
  • Uplift people during their adversities
Hearing and reading all the suicides and overdose deaths, people need to be encouraged of the more suitable ways of handling their problems. In conclusion, my heart is open to promote hope through my poetry. At the same time, I look forward to inspiring, encouraging, and motivating others. Can you use some inspiration right now?

Monday, September 3, 2012

He Knows Your Name

I was just thinking about how people feel like they are forgotten and alone during their adversities. Realizing the hurt that people are experiencing, I just wanted to encourage someone they are not alone nor forgotten. This is a poem from my poetry book, "Inspirational Poems for the Storms" entitled, "He Knows Your Name". I hope that you will be blessed and uplifted realizing you are not alone nor forgotten.

 He Knows Your Name

Do you feel forgotten?  No one wants to give you a helping hand?  Doubting if you’ll ever feel better, remember the one who created the universe, sea, and the land;

You are thinking no one feels your pain, yes, there is someone who bore your hurt and there is someone who’s watching over you and he acknowledges all your efforts and hard work;
You’re wondering why you have to undergo such turmoil feeling like you shouldn’t be here, but you are.  It was his plan and purpose that he allowed you to make it this far;

Although you may have felt wounded, heartbroken and spiritually lame; don’t ever feel that you are alone, because he knows your name.